Thursday, March 16, 2017


Discuss your likes and dislikes about Where the Red Fern Grows.


  1. So far, I liked all aspects of the book except the parts where Billy goes hunting in the night and Little Ann almost drowned. I also didn't like the part where Billy walked 20 miles to get to Tahlequah to get his dogs. I felt that he should have waited to go with his Grandpa in the buggy so that his dogs wouldn't have to ride in a gunny sack.

  2. I think this novel is amazing so far, but I think that some parts are being too detailed. Some of those parts are when the author was describing the “slide” that Billy saw when he went to town for the first time. I also agree with Arya when she said Billy should have waited to go with Grandpa. But otherwise, I loved the novel so far.

  3. in the novel, I like how Billy and his hounds do everything together as friends. It feels heartwarming to me. I also like how the author speaks from a young country boy's point of view. I didn't, however, like the part when Rubin died. I felt it was too dramatic in a soft moment.

  4. In the novel, I like how Little Ann and Old Dan car for each other. It really does make me smile. I like that it is narrated by Billy. I did not like it when Little Ann was drowning because if she did die I didn't want to read anymore because I felt that I would feel Billy's sadness. I also did not reading the description of Rubin's body seconds before he died. I felt a chill down my spine. Besides that, I loved this book.

  5. It was supposed to be care not car.

  6. Overall, Where the Red Fern Grows is one of the best and most heartwarming novels I have ever read so far. I agree, with Sanjay- I also love how the two hounds do everything together. The descriptions are awesome and by the beginning I knew this would be awesome. Besides the many amazing things about the book, I did not like how Rubin died even though he was cruel. Anyway, so far I love this book!!! :)

  7. I like that after saving up enough money Billy was able to buy the two hounds. I loved that Old Dan has the brawns and Little Ann has the brains. I disliked that Rubin died and it was horrible. The other thing I disliked it that the two hounds died at the end of the novel all because of a mountain lion. Overall I give it a rating of 4 out of five stars.
