Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Among the Hidden end

What book does Among the Hidden remind you of? Any? Would you recommend this to someone else?


  1. Among the Hidden doesn't remind me of any other books but I'd strongly recommend it for a friend. It is interesting and surprising, I'm sure my friends would love to read it.

    1. Well, my friend did want to read it but I could not give it to her because it was a Tuesday and I had to return it to Mrs.Mandell.

  2. Among the Hidden does not remind me of any other book I have read but either way I love it. I would surely recommend this book to a friend because of the powerful feeling the book has.

  3. Among the Hidden is a novel like non other that I have read. Obviously, I will recommend this novel to anyone. I am sure anyone who reads it will surely recommend it.

  4. It is also full of suspense which is a reason I will recommend this cool novel.

  5. Among the Hidden reminds me of a book called Run Away.I would recommend this book to my friends because it is full of suspense and you never know what will happen.

  6. Among the Hidden does not specifically remind me of any other novel, which is why I respect its unique content. Surely speaking, I would recommend this novel to anyone else who has a taste for thrill.

  7. Since Among The Hidden is such a unique novel it does not remind me of any other novel I have read. However I would highly recommend this novel to anyone who loves an adventure.

  8. Among the Hidden does remind me of another book, but I can't seem to remember the name. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense and surprises in a book.

  9. Unfortunately, Among the Hidden does not remind of any book, but it does remind me of a story I saw on a newspaper once. I can't remember the name of it though. Among the Hidden is a thrilling novel, so I would definitely recommend it to someone.
