Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What would you like your next book to be about?


  1. I want our next our book to be fierce like this one. Also surprising. I think Dollhouse Murder or the Fever one would be a good book.

    1. I agree with Diya Shah and those books should be our next book.

  2. I want the next book to be a little dark and surprising like this one. I think the Dollhouse Murder or the Fever book should be our next book.

  3. I think that Dollhouse Murders would be a good book to read next. I want our next book to be surprising and a little bit on the "dark side".

  4. Partially like Among the Hidden, I want our next novel to be exciting and enthusiastic, but at the same time suspenseful and plot-twisting. The novel that I want to read next and the one that fits into these categories is Dollhouse Murders, so I would like to read that next.

  5. I personally like mystery and books along the suspenseful side. I also like sudden plot twists that are exciting. I would like to read Fever 1987.

  6. I would like any type of book that is exciting as Among the Hidden.

  7. I would love another novel that is suspenseful, and twisting through ideas. I would prefer Fever 1987, or the Dollhouse Murders. Actually, my preferences are teetering between both novels. To sum up, I would love a novel as awesome as Among the Hidden.

  8. And also a novel that is mysterious............
